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    Hibiscus Popsicles

    Popsicles are a fun and refreshing way to battle the Summer heat. Using our Agua Fresca mixes, you can easily make delicious popsicles at home. Try this Hibiscus popsicle recipe to get an explosion of flavor and refreshment! 




    • Make Natura’s Hibiscus according to directions (1 bag yields 1/2 gallon or 8 cups of 8 oz each)
    • Pour the Hibiscus mix into the molds, fill them to the top
    • Put the popsicle sticks into the molds
    • Freeze popsicles for at least 4 hours or until they’re completely solid
    • To unmold, pour warm water for a few seconds 
    • Enjoy your refreshing popsicles!

    Bonus: Put one or two lemon slices at the bottom of each  mold before pouring the mix.