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    Home made Horchata ice cream with yogurt 

    The key for using yogurt in this recipe is to give ice cream a creamier consistency, and Natura’s Horchata gives the ice cream a delicious taste.



    • 1 bag Natura’s Horchata mix 
    • 1 natural Greek yogurt (plain yogurt)


    • Prepare Natura’s Horchata mix according to directions ( 1 bag yields half a gallon or 8 glasses of 8 oz each)
    • Pour prepared Horchata in ice cube trays and freeze over night 
    • Repeat with yogurt. Place yogurt in ice cube trays and freeze over night 
    • The next day or whenever ready to serve, take frozen Horchata and yogurt out of freezer and let it stand until they soften
    • Place horchata and yogurt cubes in a blender and mix until smooth 
    • Serve immediately. You may drizzle honey to your taste
